Image Is Everything!
This “feel good” quote, like all such quotes, has a huge downside if taken to heart.
Years ago an executive said to me, in the midst of a heated argument, “Nick, what people think of you will decide if you move forward.” Those words stuck with me, it was the best backhanded advice I ever received.
What a person thinks about you will decide if…
… you get hired.
… you get promoted.
… you get the loan.
…. you get a date with them.
… they can trust you.
… they want to get to know you better.
… you’re capable.
What people think of will decide if you fit in or not.
I could go on.
You can be all stoic and say “I don’t care what people think of me!”, but when you don’t get what you want (the job, the date, invited to the after work group outing) then suddenly you care what others think of you. Much of your consumerism (i.e. fashion) is based on impressing others, trying to look successful.
“I was perfect for the job!” Actually you thought you were perfect for the job, the person(s) who interviewed you didn’t think you were (or didn’t think you were the best candidate).
All careers, and relationships whether personal or professional is built on what the other person thinks of you.
To think you’re not constantly being judged is wishful thinking. To say you’re not in constant “seeking approval more” is to lie to yourself. We’re all looking for the thumbs up, the green light.
Those who have successful careers embrace the career truism, “Image is everything.” They craft a personal brand that controls (as much as can be) what people think of them.
When was the last time you asked yourself, “What does how I am presenting myself say to the world? Is it benefiting me or hindering me?”